Monday, June 8, 2009

Playing with the local kids

A few days ago and then in last night, we played some games with some of the local children on our street. It started with Tim and me just throwing a Frisbee back and forth for about 15 minutes, then about 5 kids about 10-12 years old just showed up and wanted to play. For kids who had never played with a Frisbee before, they (mostly) learned to throw it well remarkably quickly. There were still a few errant throws in the bushes, or the fence, or on top of the fence, but the kids were remarkably good at climbing barbed wire. (against our recommendation of course). After we had thrown the Frisbee around for a good 20-30 minutes, they of course wanted to play soccer. Our "street" (there aren't cars on it) is only 12 feet wide mind you, but they still managed to find a way to play. As expected Tim and I were completely worthless, and the kids just seemed to have fun running circles around us. From this, we progressed to a game sort of like dodge ball that they like. There are two throwers (Tim and I for the first game) on either side of the "field" and the kids were in the middle. Each had 3 lives and every time they got hit they lost one. The throwers on each side try to keep the ball moving as fast as possible to keep the players running and changing direction. It was interesting, and trying to hit a bunch of tiny 10 years olds is harder than one might expect. Finally, we finished with a game they called ping pong which was a mix of volleyball and keep it up. They drew a chalk line and put teams on either side of it. The object was to set the ball back and forth and not to let it hit the ground on your team’s side of the line. Tim and I want to teach them to play ultimate Frisbee someday; we'll see how that goes. I'm sure we will play again sometime and I'll try to get some pictures up.

We will be at Suni Solar all of this week so I should have net access for at least a little bit each day.


  1. Hey Jim! Looking forward to seeing some more pictures! How about your room, house, etc? Maybe the smiling man who watches you shower?

  2. Jim, we were glad to read your story about playing frisbee and other games with the children! Have a great week!

  3. Jim, just wanted to comment that your pics are awesome and looks like your having an amazing experience. Look forward to keeping up on your trip....very neat!
